Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Prayers from the Fathers

These are some prayers created by some of the early Fathers of the Church:
Protect O Lord those who cry to You for help. Uphold us in our weakness, and cleanse us from our earthliness. While we walk in this dying life amid the shadows of death, quicken us with Your light. In Your mercy, deliver us from all evil, so that we come at last to the perfection of all that is good. Amen. (St Basil the Great)
Lord, You were rich, yet, for our sakes, You became poor. You promised that whatever is done for the least of your brothers and sisters is done for You. Give us grace to be always willing and ready to provide for the needs of those whose parents have died or whose homes are broken, that your kingdom of service and love may extend throughout the world, to your unending glory. Amen.  (St Augustine of Hippo)

May I be no one’s enemy, and may I be the friend of that which is eternal and abides. May I never quarrel with those nearest me, and if I do, may I be reconciled quickly. May I never devise evil against another. If anyone devises evil against me, may I escape uninjured and without inflicting harm. May I love, seek and attain only that which is good. Amen. (St. Eusebius)

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