Monday, September 3, 2012

The blessing of work

Today we celebrate Labor day, and even though as usual many look at this day as the official end of summer and another occasion to organize a bar-b-cue, it is also time to bow our heads in prayer and thank God for our work, for the opportunity to earn a living, as we remember the many unemployed.
 Jean Francoise Millet - 'Angelus' 1859

Prayer for work
For the gift of work, we are grateful in this prayer,
as sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. 

We follow in the steps of our first parents, who before their fall, worked joyfully with their hands, in Your garden of Eden, Lord and Creator.
We are thankful for the dignity and creative challenge of our unique tasks.
For the work that ennobles us, that lifts up our spirits, we are grateful.
By means of these labors we are able to give flesh to our spiritual dreams and to work our the salvation of the earth.

Jean Francoise Millet - 'The Gleaners' 1857

Today we take time to thank you, for those common tasks that we must perform each day, those necessary labors of life by which, according to Your divine plan, are also able to create the Kingdom here in our midst.
We daily follow in the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth. With His mother Mary who gracefully worked at the tasks of her home, with St Joseph working at his carpenter’s shop, with St Paul the tent-maker, with St Peter the fisherman, we too labor in love as we proclaim the mysteries of Your Gospel.
Help us Lord our God, to use the work of this day to perform it with mindfulness and attention, with care and devotion - that it will be holy and healing, for us and for all the earth.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, who enhances our lives with work.

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